Sunday Worship at 9 AM & 11:30 AM (EST)
Transformation Tuesdays at 7 PM (EST)
Join Us In Person or Online

We understand the widespread concern about the proliferation of COVID-19. We continue to pray for government and health officials as they implement policies to contain the spread of this virus.

UPDATE: 3/20/22
Hello New Vision Family,
On February 23, 2022 the City of Bridgeport lifted its mask mandate. Norwalk Public Schools dropped its mask mandate on March 1, and Bridgeport Public Schools will no longer require masks as of March 31.
I have been to restaurants, grocery stores, small meetings with 8 people and large gatherings of 2000+ where the mask mandate has been lifted.
After much prayer and observation, I feel compelled to shift our campus to “mask optional” effective immediately. We will also discontinue mandatory temperature checks at the door.
As always, we will continue to promote a culture of being kind and compassionate towards one another. Some may choose to continue wearing their mask and will be encouraged to do so.
We have taken great precautions to keep our congregation safe and will continue to do so. I’m also reminded that the ultimate goal is to take steps towards normalcy. We will continue to maintain and emphasize a culture of unity in spite of diverse opinions and choices.
In the event that the public health risk changes and more precautions are needed, we will adapt as have many times over the past two years.
Love you all and see you in worship 🙏🏾❤️🙏🏾 ,
Pastor Dexter