Watch the replay of the message "Arrivals & Departures" by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Day 1: Breaking Free from the Past
Scripture: Numbers 14:1-4; Exodus 2:23
Message: Arrivals and Departures, by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Devotional: Have you ever found yourself longing for something you know isn't good for you? Like a familiar but toxic relationship or an old habit you've tried to break? The Israelites faced this same struggle. Even after God miraculously delivered them from slavery in Egypt, they found themselves yearning for the familiar chains they'd left behind. It's a startling truth that sometimes we can miss our bondage simply because it's familiar. Breaking free isn't just about physical departure - it's about allowing God to transform our hearts and minds. True freedom begins when we not only recognize our chains but actively choose to let them go.
Question: What 'Egypt' - a familiar but harmful pattern or situation - are you tempted to return to when facing challenges?
"God can release us from Egypt, but we have to release Egypt from our heart." - Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Prayer: Father, give me the courage to fully release the things of my past that hold me back. Help me embrace the freedom You've given me, even when it feels uncomfortable. In Jesus' name, amen.
Day 2: Embracing the Wilderness
Scripture: Numbers 14:1-4
Message: Arrivals and Departures, by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Devotional: The wilderness isn't a detour - it's a divine appointment. Just as a diamond requires pressure to form, our character often needs the wilderness to develop. This season might feel uncertain and uncomfortable, but it's here that God reveals Himself as our provider and shapes us for our destiny. The wilderness strips away our self-reliance and teaches us to depend fully on God. While we might want to rush through this season, there's purpose in every step of the journey. Remember, the wilderness isn't your final destination; it's your preparation ground.
Question: How might God be using your current 'wilderness season' to prepare you for something greater?
"The wilderness represents a time of preparation for the promise." - Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Prayer: Lord, help me trust Your process. Give me patience and wisdom to learn the lessons You're teaching me in this season. Thank You for being my provider in the wilderness. In Jesus' name, amen.
Day 3: Renewing Your Identity
Scripture: Numbers 13:32-33
Message: Arrivals and Departures, by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Devotional: Identity shapes destiny. When the Israelite spies saw the giants in the Promised Land, they didn't just see big enemies - they saw themselves as grasshoppers. Their perception of themselves determined their response to the challenge. Many of us still view ourselves through the lens of our past struggles, failures, or others' opinions. But God calls us to see ourselves as He sees us: not as slaves, but as sons and daughters. When we embrace our true identity in Christ, we approach challenges differently. We stop cowering before giants and start walking in the authority and confidence that comes from knowing whose we are.
Question: How would your approach to current challenges change if you fully embraced your identity as God's beloved child?
When you know who you are, you don't allow the lies of the enemy to stick to you." - Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me see myself as You see me. Transform my thinking from a slave mentality to knowing I am Your child. Let this truth shape how I face every challenge. In Jesus' name, amen.
Day 4: Cooperating with God's Timeline
Scripture: Numbers 14:34-38
Message: Arrivals and Departures, by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr
Devotional: God's timing often differs from our preferred schedule. What could have been an 11-day journey for the Israelites turned into 40 years - not because God was slow, but because the people's hearts needed preparation. Sometimes we resist God's transformative work because it's uncomfortable or takes longer than we'd like. But rushing ahead of God's timing can lead us back to familiar bondage rather than forward into promise. Your breakthrough might be taking longer than expected, but God is more interested in your character development than your comfort. Every delay has a purpose when we're walking with God.
Question: In what areas of your life might you be resisting God's timing or process of preparation?
"Your time in the wilderness is determined by your willingness to cooperate with God." - Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Prayer: Lord, help me trust Your timing. Give me the patience to allow You to complete Your work in me, knowing that Your plans are always better than mine. In Jesus' name, amen.
Day 5: Moving Forward in Victory
Scripture: Numbers 13:30-31
Message: Arrivals and Departures, by Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr
Devotional: The journey to the Promised Land isn't just about leaving something behind - it's about moving forward into something better. God has provisions for our wilderness seasons and plans for our promised land. But claiming these promises requires both faith and action. We must be willing to face opposition, confront our fears, and trust God's leading. The enemy would love nothing more than to keep us stuck in cycles of defeat, but God has equipped us for victory. When pressure comes, it's not meant to break us but to reveal what's truly within us and propel us forward into God's best.
Question: What specific steps of faith is God asking you to take to move forward into His promises?
"God wants us to renew our minds from slavery to sonship. The Promised Land represents sonship, inheritance. Egypt represents slavery." - Pastor Dexter B. Upshaw Jr.
Prayer: Father, give me courage to move forward in faith. Help me trust Your leading and believe in the victory You've already secured. Thank You for fighting my battles. In Jesus' name, amen.